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Spotify - Mavoy Music Friday
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- Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - When The Ligh...
- The Orielles - Beam/s
- Say She She - Prism
- Turnover - Ain't Love Heavy (feat. Bre Morell)
- Sinead O'Brien - Like Culture - Faris Badwan Rework
- Adi Oasis - Red Wine (feat. Jamila Woods)
- Hope Tala - Leave It On The Dancefloor
- Kornel Kovacs - Follow You (feat. Aluna)
- Surf Rock Is Dead - back and forth
- Ezra Collective - Life Goes On (feat. Sampa The Gr...
- Junior Boys - Night Walk
- Slaney Bay - Take Your Time
- Soft Blue Shimmer - Prism Of Feeling
- Lee Fields - Sentimental Fool
- Carla Dal Forno - Come Around
- Röyksopp - Oh Lover (feat. Susanne Sundfør)
- The Reds, Pinks and Purples - Saw You At The Recor...
- Alvvays - Easy On Your Own?
- Little Dragon - Frisco
- Soft Velvet Lounge - Homecoming
- CoN & KwAkE - One In Three
- Indoor Voices - Hope
- The Big Pink - Rage
- Okay Kaya - Spinal Tap
- Koreless - Droids
- Pip Millett - Slowly
- Salt Ashes - Didn't See It Coming
- Bleach Lab - Take It Slow
- You, Nothing - Call
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